The Commissioner of Police, Aliyu Garba through the Command’s spokesperson, Chris Anyanwu said the suspects were arrested in connection with the killings and razing of houses on 26th of December 2022.
He noted that the suspects were arrested for conspiracy, armed robbery, arson, unlawful possession of firearms, malicious damage and murder of three persons; Esien Kalu, Inspector Festus akpan and Emu orji.
According to the police: “The key actors among the suspects arrested volunteered useful”confessional statements” that exposed the aggregate of overwhelming findings hereunder outlined:
“The fracas that engulfed Ekoli Edda on 26/12/2022 ignited at about 1600 hours during a face - off between the security aides of Hon Stanley Okoro Emegha versus a faction of Ekoli-Edda youth believed to be loyalists of Hon Eni Uduma Chima.
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